
106 "A" Players Want Bigger Futures

Every business started out as a small business. But growing beyond that requires planning, good employees, and a mind-set change. Today’s guest is Herb Cogliano, an international business growth advisor and certified Scaling Up Coach at aspiregrowthadvisor.com

Herb was formerly CEO of Sullivan and Cogliano Designers, a 53-year privately held family owned, Technology Staffing and Workforce Solutions firm in 1993, and he also founded the Sullivan and Cogliano education business.

Today he shares insights and ideas around taking your business to the next level.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to scale a family business
  • How to retain and grow your "A" players
  • What are some approaches to change management in a small business
  • What things to consider when exiting a family business
  • How to get your succession planning right
  • How do you prepare business owners for an exit
  • What is the importance of leader bandwidth
  • How can you identify the voice of your customer.
